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This is quite weird. Have a go if you have time and let me know the outcome. mine was First level of Hell - Limbo
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Iwas picking my son up from school yesterday, when a few fellow parents were waiting outside ny the gate where we all usually stop for a chat. Anyway all our attentions turned to our friend susan who...
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WE are having this debate in work, (well come on it is friday) which movie star would play you in the movie of your life and who would play your partner.
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i really enjoy a big bowl of cabbage sprinkled with vinegar. Where does this dish come from, it is certainly not a London dish does it come from up north somewhere. please does anyone know
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I felt my ears burning,so im back to say That im here to shake things up,stir up some controversy and rattle some cages.........Im HERE to be a voice for the small,not the cake...
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That the squillykid has teamed up withthe OBNoxise kid just lately and has come on to chatterrbank with joko as well. Just to try to make us see that they can make some noise on here. Well I dont...
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My elderly mother is frail and rather frail She has regular out patient appointments and needs to use the patient ambulance service. Today they came to collect her for an appointment, came into her...
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girls be allowed " the pill"?
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Seems theres a lot of crime connected to heroin use.Shoplifting housebreaking and the like. Would it be easier to tackle this if the government wer to give away free the heroin that they sieze in...
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Should parents put condoms in their childrens lunchboxes ? After the recent stories of secondary schoolpupils getting others pregnant and the rise in stds amongst the same age group. Should parents...
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Watche d a film soylent green. Watched another logans run. CAommon thread in them state sponsored euthanasia . In one film at the age of 30 when still fit and not a drain on society. In the other...
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i just overheard some people on the train claiming that jade goodys cancer story is a con and she will make a miraculous recovery... there had been some story in the paper about a healer an jade......
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Abortion and pro life activists. Do you think that they are right to threaten doctors who perform abortions legally on women who want abortions? Opinions please. I know where i stand on the subject...
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i know what i think already so dont need to write it out.
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Burial Cremation Or Alternative Choices???
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Headless Rat
ok, here's the scenario, I need your advice on what to do. Last week I gave it straight, to my friend, about how she acts with blokes and how, although they walk all over her, it's her fault because...
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but I know now that others arent :( As some will know i had to go into hospital this morning -the X-Ray showed a mass the sixze of a walnut on my 'R' breast.I was calm as i knew that there was no...
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for some strange reason i have been banned , was it because i disagreed that grown men talking about being sexually attracted to 12 year old girls was not of the norm? Explain please . i am getting a...
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Todays word is " LOVE ". What does it mean to you in your own words? No dictionary explations please its your definition of the word id be interested in reading.
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My friend's daughter (age 14) has been caught stealing money from other children at school. This is not the first time, as she was caught shoplifting a few months ago. My friend is completely...

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