Last two but I can't get a handle on either.
18ac - Fit to work on line, at this? (6) I have -A-T--
19d - Move rapidly but quietly to the north, for example (7) I have --T-E-N
Stumped on both....
Last one for me on this. 26ac - In turn, virtually whole team have innings, one battered by Indians (5) I have T-B-A but I can't see it. Is it a foodstuff cooked in batter by Indians? All help...
Last two on this one.
10d - Crowd seizing minister and boy in revolution will possibly (5,4). I have M-D-L -E-B
12d Weak fabric (4) I have L-M- so it's LIMP or LAME I suppose, but which?...
Last two to get.
1ac - 25 in balance (6) -C-L-S. I suppose SCALES.
21d - Piece of linen, one of those that are 12-ing? S-E-T. Is it SHEET or SLEET?
Help gratefully appreciated....
22d (B) Knight of the river's river's second river was on top of his distemper (4;4)
For the B grid I have W-S-
Is it WASH. Please help, last one and it must be posted tonight....
27ac - Row of bushes has more than its share of 1 down 24? (9) H-D-E-O-S Where 1 down 24 = GO THROUGH THE HOOP. It must be HEDGEROWS or something similar, but why? 29ac - Artificial stimulant once put...
Last two for this one.
30d - Heavy metal of inferior quality involved in ill turn (7) B-O-O--
44ac - Be behind in Michaelmas term in Durham (10) -A---R-I-D...
Enlightenment receiving an article showing treatment centres (9) S-N-T-R-A Presumably it's SANATORIA but there are several ways of spelling this word and they all fit the grid. Which is it and what's...
Last one. Good to see Araucaria still going strong. 16ac, 1d - Third party in tete a tete, where hanging takes place (8). I have G-T-P-S- The answer is split into two four letter spaces so it must be...
Last one to do, but I can't work this one out.
24ac - Current monarch seen as an anchor? (9) I have P-E-E-T-R. Ought to be easy but it ain't. Thanks in anticipation....