Will people stop picking on this poor little Woman? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1168 408/AMANDA-PLATELL-Jacqui-Smiths-feeble-excuse -betrayal-sex.html Some will play the 'race card' but...
I don't normally say it behind their back. But sometimes I really get the urge to. Like my colleague is getting really annoyed dealing with someone on the phone, my bossess husband in fact and I...
I am not feeling it. Are we meant to empathise with the 'poor' Brannings? Does anyone give two gnats nadgers about Laurens future? Should she rot in a prison cell?
In the Old Testament, God was/is a hard, unforgiving God, ready to punish when his will was disobeyed, In the New Testament, he's virtually the opposite. So, Which is it?.
While our streets are festooned with polystyrene food trays and there is hardly a tree which is not bedecked with the ubiquitous plastic carrier bag, the Government backed Charity, Keep Britain Tidy,...
Do any of you have policies on eating in the office? Currently there is a bag of crisps going off 5 feet away from my left ear. It is nearly constant the whole working day. I have several options: -...
Well, yes. I think so. Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand should pay the BBC fine. After all, its their fault. An appalling breach of manners - to say the least.... I'm SO glad that neither of them...
Watching the funeral and she said it stopped outside the beauty salon Jade co owned. It didn't. It stopped at the start of Loughton High road, which is nowhere near the salon. She also going on about...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-116737 0/Tesco-tells-farm-stop-using-sheepdogs-stress -flock.html?ITO=1490 Is this fair enough? Do New Zealand farmers need to change their ways or is this the...
I have just finished watching EEnders, I have to admit, it was one of the best episodes for a long time, Ronnie Mitchell played by Samantha Janus played a blinder, it's dragged out now for 6 month but...
how much is the max benefit a single mum would get paid to the private landlord each month...or weekly...a girl i know wants to get a private rental house for her and baby but it is ?470 per month