Both quizzes Oddbods A Bit of This, A Bit of That and Starlight Dance's quiz Pottering Around with Pictures are now both on the fundraising quiz site available by download, paypal or by post. Please...
Starlight Dance's new quiz Oh Yes Thats Wotsitsname is on the fundraising quizsite for download (yes squarebear they are aware of this and yes you can get it...
The new quiz is now available on the fundraising quiz site Please can I once again ask that you do not ask for answers to this quiz as it does spoil it for others...
New quiz is available on the fundraising quizzes website Thanks to everyone who supported our last quiz, the answers and winners are also on the above site. Can...
The answers are on the fundraising quiz site to our recent quiz Boys and Girls Come Out To Play and the new quiz is available for download there too http://www. Thank you...
Starlight has had an anonymous entry (paid for) so if anyone sent an entry which would have arrived today posted 14th 2nd class let me know and i'll check if i've received it all I can see of the...
Oddbods have a quiz running called Nicely Paired Off and Starlight Dance have Boys and Girls Come out to play. Can I please request that only clues are given as help to these quizzes. I know its an...
Can I point out that the fundraising quiz website only advertises quizzes for people. To obtain a quiz you need to apply to the details given on site rather than...
Going Underground has been voted quiz of the week on Fundraising quizzes for the second week running.
Thanks to everyone voting each week the response has been amazing.
No answers required so please dont give any on this thread but is anyone else finding the answers are not proper homophones and dont even sound alike unless you live in a certain part of the country...
The total of hits has now exceeded 10,000 many thanks to everyone who uses this site thats fantastic I never expected it to do so well in such a short time.
I run a theatre group that does shows for charity and good causes and i'm struggling getting the following for a show. Does anyone know where i can get Dick Emerys Ooh you are awful on mp3 and the...
If you are thinking of posting your quiz entry soon can I ask that you just send money for the quiz and not include money for a follow on as i'm making this the last Oddbods quiz online. I'd like to...
Fundraising quizzes can now make your quiz available as a download for you. If you send a copy of your quiz to we can put this online for you for people to download. It must be...