Just seen this on TV, Gerald Scarfe's great label is on beer banned in Michigan as being politically incorrect.... http://www.independen...d-the-us-2260116.html...
This seems to have slipped me by but is prompted by Gromit's post below where he talks about the adverts which talk about the cost of the system which they estimate to be £250 million. HOWEVER,...
I hope they don't bang on about statistics. 10% of road deaths are caused by drunk drives, therefore, 90% are caused by sober drivers. You are safer being driven by a drunk then. Also, statistically,...
Off to Dublin for a couple of days next month and I'm wondering about money. I have a set amount put aside for spending money while there. Would it be better to get it all changed up to Euros in cash...
Just read an intersting article in a mag. Nationwide there has been a lack of applications for Street Parties. Could this be down to. Too much red tape A decline in community spirit Or nobody cares Or...
Can anyone remember how the puzzle went where (eg) 3 people split a meal bill by putting in (I tihnk) £5 each for a (I think) £11 bill but the £4 change has a £1 adrift...
I have had my Sharp's Carousel microwave for a good number of years and it still works very efficiently. However, I was wondering if there is any way of checking whether it is still safe. Thanks for...
How many people who use AB are claiming Incapacity Benefit and do you think its correct to crack down on this benefit as i am sure everyone knows some one who claims this benefit.
I have long hair right down near my bum. I cant really do much with it so usually have it tied up. I want it cut, but i don't want to regret it after. What do you prefer, long or short hair. It's mega...
The principle that as long as you cant detect anything outside and you are moving at a steady rate (ie not accelarating or deccelarating, or chaing direction) then nothing inside can tell you that you...
If you look up into the night sky, and see the stars (suns) do they all have planets orbiting around them? Some do and some don't ? Or all most likley do?
grumpy . In our little street over the last few months , there has been extensive demolition and re -building of a property.There has been some inconvience and mess , but the local builders have been...
my in laws don't like me and over the past year after years of taking their bad treatment towards me i stood up for myself which really made them angry. i am the only person they don't buy a birthday...
A dear lady I work with has a habit of using words in the wrong context like "where would i get a chap to build me two 'pelvices' for my window. Another colleague always corrects her loudly while...
I`m thinking of buying a new computer with greater capabilities than the current one, that is a Dell GX 520. It has op system XP with pentium 4CPU, 2.8 GHz,2.79 GHz , .99 of Ram. Am I better buying...
i am considering starting a new strict religion......seems like a good earner,
could anyone suggest what type of strange uniform and silly haircut i should adopt?...