Can anyone remember a post a few years ago where someone who worked in a hospital (Ratter ?) wrote of the wastage of nail-clippers which were used once and then discarded instead of being... ...
The University of Roehampton has warned undergraduates taking a module on medieval and Renaissance gods and heroes that they will encounter ‘some images of nudity’, including in Botticelli’s... ...
For those with an interest in America, Senator Bernie Sanders address to Congress may well go down as a seminal speech, re the current political situation in the USA. As he points out, the top... ...
...after European sales fall. Right! Stop laughing at the back! This has nothing to do with being a megalomaniac friend of The First Moron with a side order of possible Nazi... ...
What happens when the Council didn't collect the recycling for a neighbour I know who is elderly and has no way of taking it to the nearest recycling centre? She rang to complain, and they just... ...
I was about to post an email several days ago...I must have hit something by mistake. The page went blank except for..."🔙 new email" in the upper left corner, "send" in the upper right, and a... ...
China launched 2 major military drills around Taiwan in 2024 or a special military opperation :0). So its not looking ideal for Taiwan. If China did conduct a SMO inside Taiwan and Russia supported... ...
Was viewing old programs of this nutter the other night shouting with his big gob from the rooftops and no one taking a blind bit of notice. So so funny. :0)
Idk if that's what they are called. It's one of those sticks you place on a platform and let it burn to make the place smell good. Well, my aunt recently moved into my house, and my cat lives with... ...
The couple have been running training projects in Afghanistan for 18 years and their daughter, who together with her siblings has written a letter to the Taliban pleading with them to release... ...
I record everything, firstly so I can zoom through the adverts and secondly so that I can zoom through the waffle that forms part of so many quiz shows now. The worst offenders for me are... ...
Dressed up as science is still graverobbing. It's useful to have justification for me rummaging about local tombs to see what's what though. ...