Help, please. 8d. Manner of speaking in which statements are spoken as if questions. (6). U?T?L?. 22d Table centrepiece for fruit or flowers. (7). E?E?G?E. 25d. In psychology the feeling that a...
1 stale street food around is unconventional 3-5 off ????e 2 initial first class post 7-6 ????t?? ?e???r 3 trouble radical loved a lot 6 ?d???? 4 sailor leads girl to convent head ?b???s 5 sue sets...
Three needed to finish. 3down Stylish broadcaster covers wide area, note. ?w?N?Y. Is it SWANKY - but why? 5 down Carry out Oscar, one-time governor in Middle East ?b?y. 25 down Medication usually...
Birds do it with their eyes open (4)??e? Doubtless it follows a plea for enjoyment (4)??r? To do so is an after-dinner practice that helps international proceedings (8)????p?r?...
23a in such cooking style bhajis always look terrific in starters [5] ??l?i 23d for an alloy a fish is about right [5] ????s 6d make the court study what's made of oak perhaps [6] w?o?e? many thanks...
6a. Expedite 7 letters, - u - c - e - cyrptic. 3d. an old agreement 3 letters . 8d. life-lines 7letters. - a - e - r - 11d. what luther refused to do about a religious pamphlet. 7 letters - e - r - -...
14a. Spiritual instruction with part of Bible,say. (6) (r=m=r=). 25a. Dog protecting its head in clash. (7) (c===i=e). 23d. This is the last such signal to player crossing line. (4) (===e) TIA...
1ac- one's king toppled to form republic (6) - ??R??? 9ac- eggs used for a change? (6) - ??U??? 17ac- they help strikers to see the delivery men (5,7) - ??G?? ?C?E?N? 15d- take things the wrong way?...
10a partly secure raised road around a country(7) e???d?r 23a an insect from Pakistan? Terrible(3) 1d horse carrying a little joined off (5) g?c?g 2d girl upset about lads being oddly deficient (5)...
Really struggling. Could do with some help with the following :- 1down "Drink tipped on drink, say?" C???T??? 4 across "Currently getting results a learner appears casual." ???????L 19 down "Public...