8d(6) it picks up signals and emits smoke I hear ?e?s?r could it be geyser?
20a (5) detection system detectives saw cut back a?d?c could it be asdic?
The answers to the following questions are all to do with " Professions, Trades & Occupations." 1. Part of the eye (5) 2.Prepare for stardom (5) 3.Mooring Rope (7) 4.Rustler (10)...
2. a shining ant (9) 3. an absent ant (6) 6. nescafe type of ant (7) 8. a vigorous lively, spicy ant (7) 9. a victorious ant (10) 10. an ant with child (8) 11. a worshipping ant (11) 12. a disobedient...
2. put into the ground (4) 4. she is leaving (6) 5. entrance to the dock (10) 6. looking after the royal game (5,1,4,7) 7. set fire to an american general (7) 8. whole bacon joint (6) 9. an ancient...
Have come to a grinding halt with the top left corner. Any help most welcome. 1a. Old computer in capital - it controls flow. (keep coming up with ballcock?) (8) 1d. Plain stage with gym.(6) 2d. Steer...
24a Money distributed in lane in celebration (10) ??n?e?n???
22d Union renegade gets his last ABC wrong (4) ???b
21d Staring at a torn page (5) A???e
Many thanks....
36d. Murder fillage died out in the north for having the wrong name (8) M-s--m-r 42a. Appears to be lost away from the lessons ((3,6) 33d.F.J. * 20th century stage and film actor born in Dublin...
Help. Have been searching for what seems hours. Really stuck this month. 2d 16thC verse satire about low life and tradesfolk afloat (5,7,4) C???E ?????L? B??? 33a The act of laying waste to land by...
Can anyone help with 9d please? Takes action, having put down the ruler, and imposes restriction (5,3,4)
I have S - - - S - H - L - N -
Thanks in advance!...