Regardless of academic ability or circumstance, if you had a free pass to study any subject, be it academic, vocational, practical or whatever, anywhere in the world (or elsewhere???), what would you...
I have been watching too much Tittybangbank recently and last night I had the most strange dream that I fell in love with Lucy Montgomery! I must say I have admired her from afar but as the characters...
the thread below reminded me about a dream i had years ago when i thought my willy had turned into a double decker lolly pop!! not sure if thats the real name but its the one that goes crumbley when...
How is yours? How if your general body language, are you open or defensive, have you ever considered how you come across to other people and how little changes could make a difference. Has anything...
ok heres the deal theres this guy who ive liked for ages despite the fact that before i met him i was quiet content and happy being single anyway ive got to know him over the last year or so and i...