6a Free to include new skin (4) r-n- Is it Rind? 12a One taking reversibile material found in the sea (4) a-ar 2d One has no reason to want it (6) s-n-t- Is it sanity? Feeling particularly brain dead...
7d Game whose winners are quick (7,8) r---i- 10a Prerequisite for surfing cow? (7) b-----r 13d Families gathered round television at last for Its A Knockout (9) s-----n-- All suggestions most...
28a Groan perhaps about pub thats buzzing (8). Have ?i?n?t??. Think it may be tinnitus, but dont know why. 13a: Rave over, heading off for rally (5). R?i?e. Last one! 17d: Time needed to build a large...