13a He'd handled a phone call well using this device? (7,3) -e---n-,a-- 8d Hospital by mid-year, say? it's going up on coast (4,4) s-n-,--n- Any help much appreciated!
Do you have any suggestions as to how to rectify the problem? is it a case of replacing the valve provided with the kit with a 15mm copper tee & integral cut-off valve to increase the hole size?
I,ve just installed one of these on a branch from the cold water feed direct into the house, the pressure in the house in good yet the pressure at the outside tap is poor any ideas? Many thanks
1Ac Total column inches: approximately more than 16 (8) M?????G? 9Ac Woman bandages Bert's broken backbone (8) T?????R? 12Ac Big tooth - first of two found beside river (4) R??? (Could this be root?)...
can anyone confirm? 15a Bass in english sea briefly sink (5) is it eased? & 19d ...pet beside water where he lives? (7) is it chateau? I can't make any particular sense of either of these clues many...
any help gratefully received! 8d Percy breaks into odd dates and translates code (8) i've got _ _C_ Y_T_ , is it encrypto or something similar? & any ideas on 3d ...and city orchestra (4) i've got...
help please, 4a expression from america for a police patrol vehicle (5,3) i have -r---/car fish related to the turbot (5) i have --i-f many thanks for any help!
any ideas on 2d U.S.private eye Sam's trump card? (5) S-A-E , i think it must be stace(an american P.I) S for Sam and trump card is ACE, (dont know where the T comes from) many thanks in advance for...
Anyone help me with 3d Apparent gift likely to cause recipient great trouble (8,7) I've got -o-s-n-d, -h-sic-? Despite looking at it and researching i don't have a clue! any help much appreciated...
Can anyone confirm answer to 25a. Tribal Chief, ambassador and publicist? (7)..... can't make my mind up between HEADMAN or HEADMEN? as its plural and dosen't have the word, "or" in it, surely it must...