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I'm trying to identify an insect I saw in my back garden.I've tried the UK insect books without success and I've looked online.It was about the size of a beetle but was grey and thinner..It had 2 sets...
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why did he leave home? all the news is centred around the horrible murder but why would a young kid leave his parents and sleep rough? nobody seems to be covering this bit of the story
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Have they reached a verdict on this case yet?Only saw the original story in July.(Man donated 10million to Tory party in his will and his sanity was questioned!)
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i've seen this expression on birding sites but i don't know what it it something to do with using a bird's call on tape to attract and capture it?
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what's the name of the piece of music that was being played while David Gest was making his harmonious speech?
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i've had a false aralia now for about 20 years.i've never done anything to it except let it grow so now it resembles a small palm tree!it's nearly at roof height though.can i prune it?i don't want to...
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i think imogen will go out on friday.i think pete will vote for nikki, richard will go for lea,glyn will vote for mikey or lea depending on his hormones and ims will vote for grace or nikki.i've no...
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Why can no-one say the word vulnerable properly anymore, without pronouncing it vunrable?bring back the L!
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does whisky go off?i've just found a bottle in the garage which must be about 15 years's been opened if that's any help.
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what are your fave kevin coyne cds? personally i love case history and marjory razorblade but i'm currently listening to the adventures of crazy frank which i also love.great talent and a good guy.
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has anyone out there read this book? i've read about 3/4 of it so don't spoil the ending for me but i'm impressed by really grips me and it's difficult stuff to deal feel for the...
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my computer often doesn't shut down when i tell it to.i've run virus checks and there doesn't seem to be a problem.i've now started shutting down antivir before i log off and this sometimes works.the...
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who won the jetset on saturday?we taped it but it cut out before the very last question.
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i'm thinking of upgrading for Windows ME to Windows XP.are there any problems i should look out for?
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Did anyone else play punchcar at school?if so was it a scottish game or nationwide?i still play it occasionally!
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i recently heard a record in a restaurant in bodrum but the waiter didn't know who it was by.the singer sounded liked maire brennan, but i don't think it was folky,slightly irish but there were...
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I am having trouble with a lot of internet sites, but not all. I get so far with some sites and usually when I click on a link for more info (eg about a name on a family history site) it takes about 5...
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can anyone recommend a good safe place to park at night? car park or street.
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11d Is this Marseilles or Paris? Any views? 17 This question is a bit ambiguous. Is it road or ferry as this will change the distance of one of the journeys? 26d can't find it on Corbis 30 it's not a/...

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