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sent a amount out of coinbase by their wallet seemed to go ok but after a month nearly has still nit gone back in my bank account !
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Worst thing i ever did was get a loan with Swift it was for £ 5,727 in 2007 have been paying £35 a week - £140 amonth but their interest is £115 a month and i still owe £8,868 its never ending-...
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My mortgage company has informed me that we owe arrears dating back to last May- and they are sorry that it has took so long to inform us due to an office error -i am mad as hell- can they do this or...
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Waited 18months on a local dentist waiting list,at last gained an appointment NHS -need new top dentures-couldnt afford them privately,My dentist (one of a few there)is only young about 22 with an...
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owe welcome finance 1,500 on a secured loan if i dont pay it could they take the house off me
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struggling to sell my house only had a few low offers, its now on the market for 16750 a financial firm has offered to pay the mortgage for 2 years then give me 16000 has any one else done this sot of...
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my father in law died recently ,my brother found out first and what he did was to go in my father in laws bank pretend he was me and some how without id get bank statements for my father in laws...
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The hotel i work in is family run they have 2 hotels the one i have been working in for the last 12 years is the smaller one.I used to work in the bigger one,but was asked to go to the smaller one to...
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has anyone got any cures or relief without takin painkillers
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Licit legal are trying to take a payment off me from a par t payment i got off my bank, for past bank charges.My bank even phoned them to tell them they had paid me a part payment and the amount, i...
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Hi, Does anybody know what they are like? Personality wise and yappy wise! Also, I haveh heard they don't shed any hairs. Is this true? If I did get a yappy one, can it be trained not to? Also, does...
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Has anyone ever dabbled ? If so, did you ever win, did it end up costing you a packet for nothing, and what are the best sites to go on ? Thanks in anticipation.
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I have just come back from a trip to holland as I went to go through security at Manchester Airport to catch my flight home I was asked if I had any false teeth when I said yes I was asked to take...
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AB Asks
As we start the see the sun on a more regular basis it is reminding us that summer is on its way which also means the smoking ban is nearly here. There will be no smoking allowed in public places...

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