51d Turning up, i very luckily obtain short, Indian ice-cream? (5) k - l - i. Totally stuck on this. 33d Slips a black coat on - the wrong way (6)? Is this errata? And whyever? Where's the black?...
8 down House close to pretty French ski resort (8) ---[m]---y 25 across Procced with route touring everything - one belted (8) g-l-o--- 19 down Mostly keep map inside aircraft (8) t-w----e
It is that bottom right hand corner again! 39 down Writer is upset about editor being given money after work's finished (9) P-N-[A]-[N]-H Is there another spelling of Pentateuch I don't know or am I...
It is that bottom right hand corner this time! 9 down Londoners broke in here (5, 6) C-R-Y ------ 21 across Here this proides such a covering (Stone, Ice etc) (3, 7) A-- -R----- 23 across In which...
Stuck in bottom left hand corner! Hate plan to imprison knight on island in old, filthy place (9) a-i---i-- Is it animosity? I can't see why. Personal training system embraced by communist leader...
Stuck on two Johnny come lately's cousin (6) ---t-n Nickelodeon's gutted when overtaken by food channel (6)---n-l Second letter of each of these answers is the same. Help appreciated!