doing stinker 209 a nile delta city, anjammadi i think this could be wrong, a?e?a????? 254 d strong-smelling, pungent fits this also could be wrong 255 d writer .....sontag, s ???m 253 a californian...
I know that this is the wrong section, but I have had no response from Travel. Has anyone stayed at the Hawaii Torrenova Apartments in Palma Nova and can tell me what it's like? I have tried trip...
Many thanks to everyone that took part. ?55 was raised. Must admit that I was disappointed with the total. I donated my time and energy because I wanted to help and all the sales were from myself and...
How many of the second lot of phrases, apart from the obvious 3, are red herrings to be ignored? Should I be able to make sense of the letters in a 4a x 5d grid in the centre?
I have just a few left to do in this and i don't think they have been asked for yet. 8 across i have ???u?rum 14 across i have a?o?i??? 18 dn i have n?e???m? thanks
Smallest ale hastily consumed (9) Paul's companion got bird before you and me (5) Hopefully with these two I can finish the darned thing! I'm still perservering with the cryptics - hope to get better...