Any help on these please 18- sounds like this tailback ain't moving 6 24- Reg returns with a lot (7) 29- sounds like your lifting equipment (7) 31- I plus eleven join the company (6) 33- sounds like a...
Answers maybe cryptic or general knowledge = large prize = jackpot 1- setting for a soap (6:6) 2-he won (6) 3- northern racecourse (8) 4-confused rave (4) 5- greet the man for this crime (6) 6-prince...
Really stuck any. Help please 8) sounds conceited (4) 12) agree (3,3,2,3) 13) almost a large country (4) 14) he's in charge of no 7 (10) 16) secretaries might use this(9) 23) sounds like the correct...
3- former prime minister 8.8 6- Crimea war battle 9 29- add numbers for these 4.5 30 - Spanish dance 6 34- sounds like you squander the cover 9 37- quarrels 5 38- use this approach and your doubly...
2- went ahead .....8
4- sorrow caused by guilt......7
7- subjugate......7
19- awkward problem.....7
20- Acrobat....7
23- respect paid to another.....6
Any help needed please...
5- weekend film= 6- Oliver asks for this= 6.7. 18 comedy brothers. 20- a hot weekend film. 8.5.5= 23-crazy like an animal . 31- help. 6= 39 wife of a nobleman.11=...
All answers are type of transport Cryptic or general knowledge 1- Her majesty's engaged for this flower 4,6 2- Sounds like I'm ready to garden for this old adventure series 7. 3- Rubbish Mail 4- 4-...
All are or include a type of transport = former U.S President 5,6 - Jimmy Carter 18- hey presto floor covering 5,6. 20- sauce without the lift -5 21- wade with the sauna 6,7. 22- is this vehicle made...
All answers r types of transport clues may be cryptic or. G/ knowledge eg housework and carry 8 = dustcart. 1- glass of sherry 8. ... 2- low value coins 5-8 3- moving crockery 6-6. 4- is it a fast...
All answers r either children's toys, games or pastimes 1-dressmaker may need to do this (4,3,7,). 2- spot the cutting implement (6). 3- No rim plate (anagram ) (10). 4- has sole power (8). 5- fine...
It's just a small problem (with a drink)5,2,1,6,= early morning (7) =. tea gets the point for this wind (7) =. Western and Soviet bloc disagreement (4,3)= London football club (9,7,)= left with...