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'What are the known side effects of taking the contraceptive pill?'
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Anyone know of any websites similar to AB?
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By that I mean everyone but Daniella Westbrook.
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I have to spend a lot of time in my car, often behind vehicles pushing out nasty petrol and diesel fumes. Does this put me at risk of getting respiratory problems in the future?
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I've noticed that for the last few years, starting around now and continuing until the spring, pied wagtails fly in from seemingly miles around to roost in their hundreds in the trees right in the...
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Does anyone have a really good recipe for a date and walnut cake?
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Help! Can you tell me the going hourly rate for a plumber to fit Central Heating in the Preston? Thanks!!
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Who was cooler, the Tick or Earthworm Jim?
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How can I stop someone's cat pooing in my garden.? I have nothing against this animal but don't consider it's droppings too be very safe in my garden due to my young son. I also think it is a bit...
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Is 'Trick or Treat' a harmless bit of fun or an American custom that they should have kept to themselves?
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Apart from A Christmas Carol! They don't have to be about Christmas or take place solely around Christmas.
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Has anyone done the 'Cambridge Diet?
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Why do you think that the ginger, freckled girl in the Orange advert doesn't like pigeons
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Does living in the vicinty of a chicken farm raise susecptibility to any diseases - especially for babies and children?

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