Which castles/palaces would you recommend to visit? I have been to Hever, Hampton Cout, Tower of London, and Arundel all of which are beautiful, however I would like recommendations on others please....
After several days of a men only golf tournament I see that there are several days of a ladies only golf tounament scheduled for this weekend. On the basis that the game involves skill rather than...
If one plays a low value ball, but goes in off hitting a high value ball on it's way in off, is the penalty that of the chosen low value ball or the last hit high value ball?
17a short of time, very keen to get text from china (1,5) i?h??? 24a desert region. say, covered by half of US state (5) N???? 3d Broadcast of short church service (5) T???e many thanks e
Hi Stuck on last few capital cities, would appreciate some clues 6 French free town (10) 17 would Arthur sit here (9) 18 Home of the Smurfs (8) 38 Perhaps a spook would live here (9) 41 drunken two at...
1a laurel died in group of trees 10da model swallowing illegal substance? come on 22a club kepy t over there close yo gate a nasty weapon would appreciate help with these
Last one 9a Prevent bloodshed almost in city (6) ?A?G?R Is 23d Theodolite? Instrument giving the strange burning in the ears (10) T?E?D?L?T? Thanks in advance
I've been trying to find out what instrument is used in the Beatles song benefit for Mr. Kite. It occurs during an instrumental section that starts about one minute into the song. I think it's a sitar...
Hi, We're looking to book a last minute holiday to have a week in the sun. Can anyone recommend a particular island & resort please? We're looking for somewhere fairly quiet(ish), with beach close by,...
well the gerry's have been RUNNING SCARED IT'S OVER for gerry it's the END OFF THE LINE the gerries are CRYING I wish i was IN THE CROWD to see it i think the problem was their defence COMMUNICATION...
We are looking for some beautiful classical music for my sister in laws funeral. I do love to hear the music, but Im afraid I have no idea of titles. We want something to play as people are coming...
Hi there bright people! Can anyone tell me where I can download a track called From Under which is from the Chocolate Kings album by PFM a progressive rock band from the 70s? I know it is on YouTube...
1 what are four 7 a quarter inches in diameter & responsible for a great deal of sporting frustration 2 how many moves does a knight need to get from one corner of a chessboard to the diagonally...
I'm not a fan of the dutch and certainly not a fan of the cheating/diving/most unworthy world champions ever/, but I've got to ask how on earth could hollands first goal be given tonight ???? That was...