Not nearly as scary as the preamble suggested, and a really nice sequence of PDMs leading to a satisfying final grid. Thanks Ifor, and I hope everyone here (in the UK, at least) has a nice long...
A fairly typical Chalicea puzzle: nice use of theme, clues not too challenging (though I struggled for a while to find the extra letters in some of the mid-range down clues). A very pleasant exercise:...
This has produced a giggle but it was a tough solve until the message appeared and we are going to have to be very careful with our checking of our final grid. What an amusing and original idea. Many...
A lucky stumble upon the person's name (maybe triggered by something hidden dark in the grey cells) speeded up what might have become a slog. Neat thematic treatment and quite a feat to construct the...
I love the way this is thematic. The quotation has raised a smile though I am still wondering how to make sure that letters are entered in the correct order in 'all entries'. Many thanks Augeas for a...
A pleasing puzzle with a neatly worded preamble. It's always pleasing to learn something along the way, so many thanks to eXternal. But we're still waiting for the first tough challenge of the year....
The theme has had a lot of exposure recently, but that does not detract from this delightful treatment by Poat. All comes together in a most pleasing way....
Oh but this was tough. Has Artix managed to silence the Friday Club? Indeed we struggled but what a cunningly constructed grid and convincing finale. Many thanks, Artix for yet another masterpiece of...
What an astonishing compilation. Ferret, I am amazed that you could construct this. Dare I say that I am also immensely grateful that 'solvers need not actually carry out the manipulation (as that...