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1981 to 2000 of 2418

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the girls night out has been cancelled.........and she is curled up on the sofa...looking like THUNDER ...! where can I hide????
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...and what do you think she is doing now???? Right-getting ready for another session of getting rat-a**ed!!..... some things never change-guess I won't see too much of her-lol
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Does anyone know where I can get it in the UK without resorting ot online sources?? I have had it in supermarket salads.....and would love to use it myself.
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I am considering setting myself up as a cat-sitter so I can earn a bit of spare cash,while indulging my love for cats. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can go about doing this???
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Every now and then,someone will complain about CB and how it is used.......based on the definition of chatter here: what do you think it should be called?? I lean...
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I am off the next two days...and I seem to have lost track. Should I be concerned????
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It is WAAAAAYYY past my goodnight to Icey and Leg...and anyone else with tooth picks in their eyes!!! xxxxxx
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When I saw it in the Sunday papers......took my breath away for some strange reason..... h.htm But when I looked at his website....what a load of...
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It keeps shutting down randomly, I "lose" my actually disappears from the page I am on......and everything is incredibly slow......this browsing. any ideas???
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It was so quiet here last night...and there is STILL no-one about. Happy Saturday everyone xx
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I know for a fact cos my Caspar (unbeknownst to me ) decided to fly out of my 3rd floor window this morning.......I found my little deaf moggy hiding in bushes behind my block of flats when I got home...
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Work today was totally demoralising...and it is only going to get worse. I really wanted to walk out....but until I find something else...I am trapped.
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AARRGGHHH!!!......They take a vow of purity until they marry-not even kissing.........yet they attend a "purity ball". with girls as young as 7 dressed in adult ball gowns. Does anyone else see this...
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I saw a young woman with "Sainsbury's carrierbag orange" hair....... the weird thing was-it suited her!
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Caspar...the hyperactive deaf cat.... is driving me crazy......he follows me around like a baby and shouts constantly. He has just 'discovered' the kitchen window sil......and there is fur...
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wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!....I just found my secret stash...and it is untouched. But not for long... ;-0
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With your curry glad you are not watching "Amazon"......there are VERY graphic pics of projectile vomiting-at LEAST 4x in the film........and I was eating my supper as it came...
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Brrrrr....think I need a hotwater bottlle tonight-it is cold!!!!!! Soooooo-nite all!!
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I saw Xmas gifts,wrapping paper and cards in Boots this the earliest???? it made me VERY depressed!

1981 to 2000 of 2418

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