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In our local paper yesterday there was a front page story about a dustman who had found a severely injured cat in his crusher,just before he was about to crush his load. The poor moggy was wrapped in...
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We have been to the vet's this morning and the news is almost worse than I expected. Surgery for her would be too invasive....the cancer is in her jaw and near her eye socket-also it is impossible to...
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Some of you may already know about my cat cleo from Animals and Nature....I have already posted on there tonite .The vet called me with her test results earlier and she has cancer. Inoperable by the...
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I had a phone call from the vet a short while darling Cleo has cancer-vet thinks it can only be managed with antibiotics and painkillers,that surgery would be major-best to keep her...
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Please see my question in arts&literature....put it in there this morning by mistake and our usually effeciant AB ed has not moved it!!
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This morning I woke up with my cat cleo wrapped around my head...her fluffy tail was curled around my left ear, and her head rested against my right cheek as she "paddled" my shoulder and rumbled...
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My Cleo had her first checkup today and the vet was quite optimistic that she doesn't have a tumour. YIPEE!!! Let's all cross our fingers and hope for the best :-) xx
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My cat Cleo had her teeth out today. Unfortunately -x-rays of her jaw indicate that she may have a tumour-tho it may also be a very virulant infection. Now I need to wait up to a fortnight(bloody...
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My poor little moggy needs to have several teeth out tommorrow and I am getting knots in my stomach...does anyone have any words of wisdom to calm me down?
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To follow on from sleepy's is too damn early to even contemplate Christmas. I saw the earliest signs of it back in late August...and frankly it just makes the dread and -yes-feeling of...
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Does anyone have a good authenic recipe for this. All the ready made ones seem "flat"...the flavours are not strong enough.
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My moggie has always been a bit of a slobber-chops when happy but she seems to have developed a problem recently. One eye is rather watery and when she is curled up, her tail(wrapped round her nose)...
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My daughter-my one and only sprog-has gone back to university today. There is now 150 miles 'tween me in the West country and her in London. Tho she doesn't live with me,we have spent a LOT of time...
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whoopee!!!! offered new job today managing my own kitchen. Not bad for a shuffling, pensioner who should smell of! (see my post from last night) Yeah-I know it is not a question...
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Following on from cazz's question on do you define a pensioner? is it just age.....or the fact that a person can or does collect a pension. is it attitude? to drop out of...
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Don't know if this is the correct category for my query-but here goes......for the past couple of days I have been unable to get a number of channels; I can get 4 and ITV1, but not MORE4,E4 ITV2,3 or...
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Walking home from work tonight I made the mistake of crossing against the light. I had too quickly made the assumption that the giant silver mercedes people carrier coming towards me was slowing...
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This is for taliesin.....cornbread recipes galore!!! look at mar.htmgood luck!
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When a post is removed wouldn't it be helpfull if the ed posted a REASON for its removal? at the moment it all seems rather random and unpredictable

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