one known for his relations(5-6) ?e?r? ??l?e? put in a grave position for the second time (7) ?e???e? waters where this vessel is put back ???o? thank you in advance pat
working together to put letter in peculiar local speech (13) ?????b?r?tion . The doctor isnt the person to show no variation of pitch(8) ?????n?e. subversive leader leaves choice to the polls (8)...
showing concentration in decimals before putting the point (7) place an order for goods in the depression(?n????) playful but likely to be catty later.(9 ) ??????I?? thank you in advance
free with money (6) letters. a company not out to make money (4) letters. become engaged ?e?h .they may be found in reception (9) letters ???l?w?d?. thank you in advance
national team(11 letters) records of offensive operations by military personnel (5 and 6) the levy isnt complete you'll get a letter (5) loudly announce what is no longer staked(7) thank you in...