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Please please ! 4,6. Begonia club up in difficulty- how deadly is that! B-b--i-- P-a--. 6 letters. One gobbles this when it gobbles no more T-r-e- . 7 letters. Designer Christian a mother ? what a...
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Last few...any help appreciated. Thanks in advance. 2-4, 6.Leaving without a trade agreement? Have the latrine boxed up. So. N??E???R???T 4 letters. Give fluorine to ones old flame- there's a powerful...
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Last one. Find feathers below in the Antipodes. 4, 5. U?d?r d?w?...
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Last few. Any help most appreciated. Such an accent as one may use to put one over on a French character . 10 letters.c?r?e?f?e ? Is this more suitable for making wine than younger fruit. 10 letters...
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8 letters. Artist Rene literally needs to get a trim. M?g????e. 7 letters.. Such elan gives the woodland God a pain. ?A??C?? 11 letters. Accountants tool or part of the instructions for making the...
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Last question. Internet domain name used by Unesco, Oxfam etc. 3 letters. ?R?...
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Any help gratefully accepted. Innocent chap upset by the furniture van. 12 letters. P?N?E?H?I??N...
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Last one. The Prima Donna is keen to make a comeback. 4 letters. Any help appreciated. Thank you. D--A...
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Last one ! I have left Senator Sanders here in Switzerland. BE?N? Is it Berni ? His name is missing an E. Any help and explanation appreciated. Thank you....
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Military footwear , 9 letters. ??C?????? Spurned sloppy preludes , 8 letters, ??P?L?E? Term of endearment , a boiled sweet. 9 letters. ??E?????? Mutinous, revolutionary. 9 letters . ??D?????s. Thank...
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Stuck on a few. Any help appreciated. 14D. Feeble sort, milksop. 5,5. ?A???P???? 19A. Red through embarrassment 8. ?A???P???? 21D. Personally delivered 2,4 ?????D 24A. English seaport. 8 p???O???...
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Consume the last of the beef, perhaps. E?T. I assume it's EAT but don't know why. Can anyone explain please?...
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A Baptist lost the head when she danced. ?A?o?e. Gain access with this-quiet as a blade. P??S?O?D. Surmise that it's the Love Tree . O?I?E. Is it olive? I don't know why! Thank you in advance...
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Last two ! Festive occasions ?M?S?S Solid, muscular. M?A?Y? If my M is right feasts won't fit in for the 1st clue and I am stumped !...
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Last two.... No resistance here to such nice florists. 12 letters. ??I?t?o?l??s For a start-off, only a fool can be such an idiot. 3 letters . O?? I assume it's oaf but I don't know why ! Thank you...
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Monument, milestone. 8 I ??????r? Wail for wild passage of wind. 7 A?r???? Persist in demanding a particular price 5,3,3, s?I?K?U???? Thanks again...
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Fiascos, failures. 5,3. ??????P? Composure 6. ?????? Snip seeker? 7,6. ??????N?????? Unscrupulous usurer 4,5. ??????A?? Thanks in advance Answerbank friends...
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Lionel finds part of the hospital more chaotic. . 7 letters. ?e?sier It's the first dance for a Native American . 4 letters ?O?? Astronomical object identified by a ( sic) actor using just two digits...
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Last few... 1 D. Used a red herring to discredit me thus ??s?i??c??d 22D. Stuck inside every gate, eying openings when the army won't let you out . S?E?? 26A. As taught by a virtuoso , give a grand...
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What a fanfare accompanied the Fall of the Wall here. 7 letters. .e??c?o...

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