4. A male agriculturalist 6. Crazy luke and Mary join up 7. A player in two different games 11. Sleek trader 30. Mixed up tribe at the pow wow 41. Very lavish public shows No clues to amount of...
My daughter has been set a question from college, has googled but not found sufficient information. Could anybody help please. The question is...GNP per capita in Japan was almost twice that of UK in...
2d) Mixing grains with 12 in range . (10) ( answer to 12 = corm ) C???N?O??? also ..10d) Late mutiny is perhaps coincidence (12) S?M???A?E?T? 20d) behaving like a yob, is arrested in irish county (7)...
12 down: We have Steric, but that makes 19 across Generic and we would prefer it to be General so it links up with Strike - General Strike. Help please.
stuck help please 19a Harass,has half of sleigh remaining ?a???? 13d councillor slackened having become helpless with laughter 7. 2. c?e???d ?? 20d run away with girl not a writer. 5 ??o?? thanks for...
This gets trickier every week! Can anyone help? No one else has asked for these so I take it I am missing it bigtime. 5d item whose name is not known W-A-N-R? and 9d shortened version of written...