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My daughter is 3 years and 8 months and has another year to go at preschool. Her vocabulary is wide but she has trouble saying one or two letters. She cannot say her S's, eg, she will say 'hilly'...
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Does anyone know the piece of music being played in the 2 for 1 Specsaver advert where the man walks into the wall and comes out as a women? Thanks
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I'm trying to remember the name of a horror film, with a town in it called RedRum....made in the is basically about an evil woman who turned children into plants and used her goblins to kill...
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why does the red bull air race at longleat advertise tickets on tv, then when you go to the website it says they all sold out? if they sold out stop advertising it!!!
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How the hell do i get my e mails on outlook express. i have an address that ends in Everytime i click into it, it scans, then i get a box up saying password error. What settings do i need...
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Which is more painful? Having a baby or being kicked in the testicles? No one can experience both!!! Have often heard it compaired and was just wondering.
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Am I the only person that thinks this is great?
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I have been to Disney World a few times now, and I was wondering what the cost of a single fireworks show would be for one night. e.g. the fireworks show at Epcot or Magic Kingdom - both as impressive...
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I recently made a list of all the people i'd had sex with. Although i couldn't remember a lot of the names! I'm 30 years old. I'm male and my total is 79. Is that a lot? ps.. i didn't count...
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Who is the Arsenel player married to Cheryle Tweedy of Girls Aloud
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How do I select a sweetner in lieu of sugar in my coffee. I have been taking Sweetex for years, now a friend sayes "you mus'nt use that" Any advice would be appreciated RAS
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mikey v
can i go online with a laptop without a telephone connection
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I want to start waxing downstairs so I can wear a bikini freely, but I don't want to go and have someone else do it (I dont fancy much showing other people my crotch) but I was wondering if you can...
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Big A.T
Have just got in from work at 1am and it is my birthday. Who is going to be first to wish me a Happy Birthday??

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