Many Thanks to those who helped with the last answers. Final ones below more help needed. 1. 11 = A of C of the E 2. 4406 = H of B N (in F ) 3. 54 = C in the W 4. 201 = S O 5. 6 = F in a F 6. 1605 = G...
Help needed 1. 4 = L on a L C 2. 11 = A of C of the E 3. 6 = P for a T in A F 4. 50 = Y S M A C 5. 78 = T C in a P 6. 200 = P for P G (in M) 7. 13. = S on the A F 8. 864000 = D of the S in M 9. 206 =...
Many thanks for all those super answers to the last questions and so quick-absolutely BRILLIANT. They all seem so easy when you see the answers. If you can do the next batch it will finish the quiz...
Help needed with following . 1. 37 = N - on - a - RW (IZ). 2. 40 = D and N - GF. 3. 6 = S of a C. 4. 22 = B on a ST. 5. 1024 = B in a K 6. 4 = I in a H. 7. 6 = C in NI. 8. 21 = S on a D. 9. 2 = B on a...
Squarebear many thanks for your answer,and in answer to your enquiry on question 2 which was edited out, perhaps this might get passed the censor. 2. -HITMC - I leave the first letter up to your...
Many thanks to those who have already helped me the previous quiz questions. but this one is even more tricky than usual. Take the first from the next six new owners under ground and thanks. (Answer 6...
The following questions are all about SWEET- EATS found in old and new shops. 1. Nines, tens and elevens ( 2 words, 5 and 6 letters). 2. Small pieces of metal sewn on garments ( 8 letters ). 3....
The answers to this quiz are about creatures 1. This bird was the name of Scott of the Antarctic' s ship. 6 Letters. 2. Snakey comedy television show Mr Montgomery. 6 letters. 3. Sounds like the...
Many thanks to all those who gave answers to last times quiz, most were correct. The following are the one's I am stuck with this time. All the answers are Christmas presents for the family. 1. ----,...
All the answers are parts of the human body. (Variety of bean - Answer Kidney) 1.Place to "hang-out" to smoke in America. 5 letters 2.Soldiers on the march are always this. 6 letters 3. It's up to...
Help needed on last few questions. 1.Extract information from sports shoe. 4 letters. 2.Blood sucker or a sloping side of a square sail. 5 letters. 3.The eccentric part of an axle or shaft. 5 letters....
Both answers are either Birds, Insects or animals. 1.Would you think this animal is bashfulish (5 letters) 2. Flipped upper coin ends in a coned tree (anagram 9 letters) Many thanks to those who...
Answers are Birds, Animals or Insects- Corner store fronts heated argument (7 letters) Sounds as if Philip said this to Elizabeth on her accession ( 8 letters) My French emotional pimples ( 8 Letters...