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Hello my daughter is in year 3 and gets quite a lot of homework sums ,spelling reading and a project that needs to be researched each week it takes 1.5 hours ,do all year 3,s have lots of homework or...
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At the risk of starting a motangelist fatwa, can anyone explain to me what is wrong with driving in the middle lane at at least 70mph on a motorway?
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I am with Virgin now and am thinking of going with BT mainly because of the deals they have at the moment (eg. free connection worth £130, and free anytime calls for a year to name but two) I...
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As most of you know I am seriously thinking of becoming a same day courier and am very near completion of this role. I need to be able to calculate distances by road from A to B but do not want to go...
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My cars MOT runs out of 12th July. If I take my car to the garage on say, 6th July and get it mot'd will the new expiry date be 6th July? LOL, I'm trying to squeeze as much as I can out of it!...
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Why is it that Motor cyclists are allowed to make a deafening noise with their machines, whereas, if my car exhaust fails and I am on the way to get it repaired at a garage, I get stopped by the...

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