11 across fanciful and poetic name for ireland [9] i-n-s---l, 15a nymph name used in communications to represent a letter of the alphapet [4] ----, 23a one of many versions of the name of eirn in the...
anyone out there doing the sunday life crossword. I am stuck on 2 17a it's very ancient humour - but it could be growing 4. I have c-p- 23a a board-meeting 5.5. -t-s m-t-h I could be wrong somewhere....
25d which 3 letters at the end of an ad hint that the seller is willing to accept less than the asking price
(3) O _ O
4d a herd of_________caused havoc on theM50 last month (6) L _A _A _...
Please an explanation for 10A Letters from Athens read out in capital (5) I have C-I-O and I suppose CAIRO satisfies the Capital part but the rest eludes me.
help please 18a husband's at home under the covers?how cheeky is that! 6 ?E???D 20a she introduced general to one in frankfurt 6 ?I???? 24a he tours rome in 'funny girl' 8 ?E?????? 28a former...
13 acc-pieces to be played in the manner of an air or melody A-i-s-s. 29 acc Fanciful old description of the gathering in of crops or a festival or song to celebrate the occasion 2 words Harvest -o-e....
q1sung by max bygraves(3,1,6,6)q2young man been in a fight(5,4,3)anagrams>q1anagram el love air tubes(7,3,4)anagramq2bake lace use sly bert(5,4,4,5)thanks for any help
1a Person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained acceptance of others in that? (7,5) I have, -O-V-A, R-C-E I may have made a mistake somewhere? could it be a latin...