have got 3/4 way there but now stuck-help please 13a mucus troubled patti accepting central part in LOUISE 7 ?i?u?t? ANAGRAM PATTI PLUS M AND U? 24a over beloved,losing inner attention 5 ?N??? 30a on...
Can't work out 15dn Landlord's manner began in the post (3,6) I have A?R , R?E?T?R . Looks like RENTER ( landlord ) but can't work out first word . Help please!
15d Fruit of the oak,beech,chestnut,etc.(4) (?a?t) 3d P?t--and love varieties of hosta,the latter award-winning.(3) 2d Gold--e?a?r. 1d Spebies name meaning `curly` (6) (c?h?r)
1d Species name meaning`curly` (6) (c?h?p) 3d ??? and ` Love-ties ,--,,varieties of hosta, the latter award- winning. (3) (p?t) 12ac Genus of decorative grasses, including the Fountain Grass.(10)...
crosses and loops(5) ?n?h? ....port in a storm (3) ??y tortilla snack (4) ma?o think it is mayo but not surebuckwheat pancakes (5) b?ini hollywood western (5) o?ter many thanks
Just stuck on one answer for this quiz Q8 used in old fashioned pantries (6 letters) all answers are cakes, biscuits or desserts Thanks in advance for any help
Is 12 across sensationalism or ..ise or even ...ist?? The clue is Splash in Sun possibly alienates some? Not half! Also another final clue from the FT Turn out old tennis pro(5) E?E?T Could be EJECT...