20d Stock response, then, blowing up locomotive (11,6) can anyone help me get the bottom half of this crossword started. the letters I have are S?E???????s ??????. Thanks in advance.
help please--last 1/2 23d flanders rose of Meredith?5 R?O?S rhoda?if s is wrong-s comes from 28a measure novelist as biographer 7 E?L???N-i have ellison as he was a novelist and an ell is a measure/...
1 down with courage! 10 2 can it figure ways out of the loop 4, 6 3 spinning mallet 9, 6 4 dull and jaundiced 7, 6 5 did her box contain a riddler ? 6 cash machine in alternative monastery follows...
A type of liquid hydrocarbon, present in petroleum (6) O?T?N? Very common freshwater fish (4) C??? English bat and ball game (8) R?U???R? City in Switzerland (6) ?E???? Celestial body that can be seen...
Sum of game shot by a hunter (3) B?G Largesxt battle of the Napoleonic Wars (8) B???D?N? The thin inner ring of a darts board (6) T?E?L? A type of macaroon biscuit (7) r?t????? Breed of fancy pigeon...
Hello all been trying to see if I can answer any of your questions [not much luck...interested in the identification of the photo in the observer] Can you help with these clues please I cycle around...
5a eastern woman with short conservative and leader writer (6) ???t?? 6d saint with ring covered with mud and put out of shape (7) ??s?o?t 8d engineers stern, finding limit (8) ??s?r?c?