Not good at these cryptic ones but thought i'd have a bash 15ACpart of sudden ovation is for the star(4) _ _ _ _ 12Dn fine shot (7,4) P _ _ _ _ _T_ _ _ C _ 25ac travelling considerable distance to...
Stuck think spelling mistake; 16a Holy man,being glum.starts to describe his un- happiness(6) ?a?d?u is it Sardou? 18d Old-fashioned servant-pick one to take member of family outside(9) ?c?l???n 24d...
Can anyone help me with these questions under an Animal Crackers categorie 1. Bovine mouthpiece (7 ) 2.Boisterous activity (9) 3. Englands Heel (6,5 ) 4. Shelled fruit? (4,5 ) 5. Find under there the...
27d Diocese of the Pope as Bishop of Rome (4,3) _ _ L _ S _ _ 21d Impure mixture of metal sulphides produced during the smelting of sulphide ores, especially copper and nickel (5) M _ T _ _ 32d In...
I am stuck on the following: 8A. Opening time ignored character (4) ??E? 20A. They're tops for shedding pounds and stones! (4) S?A? Is this spas? 29A. Police station for deputy PM? Not half (4) TA??...
His best feature was his golden Barnet. It was so perfect he once asked '''' The gap is the name of a football team. No clue as to number of letters. Anyone got any suggestions please?
any help gratefully received! 8d Percy breaks into odd dates and translates code (8) i've got _ _C_ Y_T_ , is it encrypto or something similar? & any ideas on 3d ...and city orchestra (4) i've got...