I am looking for titles of musicals for a local quiz which ends 24th February Dual personality 3/9 From enemies to friends 6 Spring comes to mind 5/4 The prettiest star 5/5 David Bowie sang this... ...
This is a local charity quiz which ends on 20th Feb. All the answers are names of musicals old and new. Thanks for any help you can give me. 1 Friendly marsupial 3/4 2 Educating royalty 7/6 3 The... ...
Quiz ends 5th Jan 2025 I have two questions left to do and the answers include either the name of a Nation or a nationality. 1. Lots of languages spoken n this country (7) seems to be so many... ...
This is a local charity quiz, ends 21st September. The answers are UK football league teams, I have three left to do, any help would be greatly appreciated. 1 What soap do you use (7) 2 Sounds like... ...
I have just Q50 left in Film Dingbats and that is GPKIN I have tried to find something with DOCTOR or DR in the title, and also PEKING but just can't find anything that looks right, any help would... ...
A fun local charity quiz in Yorkshire, finishing date 31st May. Just two left to answer, would be grateful for any answers or help please, the answers are all names of flowers SOUNDS LIKE A... ...
Friends put together a quiz for over Easter and i am still stuck on this and no number for the letters in the one word answer. H2Oing Any help would be much appreciated
The answers to these questions are all animal names. 1 Could be one of a foodie chain (7) 2 No its not a pudding (5) 3 I'll be damned! (5) 4 Wow, this beast can move (7) I already have cheetah for an... ...
I have one dingbat left to solve, and no doubt the easiest one in the quiz, but i just can't see what it is, so any help will be much appreciated, thanks in advance. Apologies if it has already been...
I have just three to do now, and as always they are probably the easiest ones in the quiz, so if you can help me it would be appreciated. 21 NIX written above FROST i want it to be FROST/NIXON, but...
This is for a local charity quiz in Yorkshire and the answers have to be in by the 1st April Just two questions not answered so any help or even the answers would be wonderful! Both answers are body...
I am stuck on two dingbats and want to get my answers sent in now, they are probably the two easiest of the lot but i just can't see the answers, so please help, thankyou. 12 VC DSO & BAR DFC & BAR 19...
One question that is puzzling me in this years quiz relating to anything to do with holidays is 31 No tax! (4,4) Probably the easiest one in the quiz, but i just can't see the answer, thanks for any...
A friend has put together a quiz and i am stuck on the last four answers, so help please if possible. Names of songs and the artists. 1 R to the H by I M 2 BN/S on the W by DP 3 YLKL me H by JW 4 K by...
I am trying to complete a local charity 'Gardening' quiz which ends on 31st July, any help would be most appreciated. 1 A thread minus "T" for a christian festival (11) 2 Sounds like many sheep (5) 3...
Farleigh quiz I have just three left and any help would be gratefully received. He's simple company -and fit (5,6) Honeycomb gemstone (4,3) Cleary he has taken it for a ride (7,7) Thanks...
Looking for help to solve an anagram please BRAVE AGGRESSOR HERO OK (5,10,5) its the last one i have to do on a fun quiz amongst friends during the recent lockdown, and i would love to be able to put...