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i thought i read years ago that oprah had written a book and had waited many years to have it made into a film it was called the colour purple.i was in a quiz and one of the questions was who wrote...
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we have sky +and when i tried to play back programs i have recorded a message comes up saying,system fault SKy+playback & recording are unavailable please call and then an 0870 number for...
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i have a problem with sky tv i have asked this question before early this year ,my recordings either when i play them back to re-record on video tape it freezes ,or when i record on the sky +box it...
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does anyone know how to keep moths out of a room ,without useing mothballs thanks
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trying to get a book called GIVE HIM TO THE ANGELS by JAMES FAIR ,its the life story of the boxer HARRY GREB ,its now out of print can anyone help ,thanks kathleen
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i bought strong netting i think polyurathane i put them over open windows to keep flies out ,which does it very well,this year i can only find 3 ,i am trying to find the place i bought them
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need a new bath mat mine lasted about 6 years but i washed it on too hot a wash and it went sticky ,i bought out of a news paper (i think the daily mail)ihave tried the internet looking for a mould...
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i have a voice organizer which helps me with my memory i was given it about 5 years ago off a doctor in a brain clinic,and it is now broken,does anybody know where i could buy one.On the back of it...
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can anyone tell me where i can get an instruction book for a gnav10 Goodmans thank you
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Can anyone tell me the passwords for the above competition for the 16th and 17th January. Much appreciated. Debbie

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