Really stuck with these 27a English society cracking mysteries about Roman brass(9) s-s-e---- 22d cut bottom coming unstuck could be a job for me(3) d-- 29d ingredient of 14(4)---- 61aTurn page as...
Stuck with one and unsure about two this week. Would appreciate some help.Many thanks 12a Use peeler round hard meat -h-p chop? 28a Provide silver to go in pudding s--o sago? 27a Capucin could be such...
Really stuck with these two
22d One engaged in inept racing.It,s what Ascot could be gripped by(6)---p-n
25a Birmingham's side overwhelmed by a champion Premier League Team (6) -l---n
Thanks a lot...
Really stuck in this bottom left hand corner 12d After opening of bread ducks get off (3)b-- 16a Clubs into books, almost acknowledge book (6) -c---o 13d(9) Scattered missiles he's got bombs about to...
Really stuck with these last three 5d Wrongly diagnosed? That's unlikely(7,3,4)a-a-n-t the o-d- 3d River Island will break traditions(5) l-i-e 23a Spare tyre punctured? Mostly a bit soft(4) -l-b Thank...
Really stuck with these. 1a Fine linen brought back from cornwal(4) l L---- 2d Where you might find Eddy and daughter supplying rum(5)--i-d 20d Knight wanting nice miss bust of enormous proportions(7)...
Really stuck with these. All the answers are connected to animals, real or imaginary including fish and birds.Thanks 25, All points N.S.E& W 8, Chimp or fast cat? 73,Stars' margin of victory 78, Hobby...
Really struggling this week. Thanks for any help 14a More than one issue coming from temporarily unavailable vaults ---s-r-n-s 12d For this embarrassing situation Grannie flat's preposterous i-...
Hi, really stuck this week 4a Lower seconds for 50 in ranking table(6) -a-d-- 7d Stuffing recipe's first to be used on trip(7) --u-i-g 23d Muslim belonging to student union turned up (5) s----...
Just trying again in the hope that somebody didn't see my previous post. Many thanks for any help. All answers are book titles 3 Law and Order 5,3,10 16 Close to midnight 3,4,2,3,3,4 23 let...
These are the last few. All answers are book titles. Many thanks 5 Taken for ransom 9 7 Brought home by no. 76(Neil and Buzz touchdown -The Eagle has landed) 16 Close to midnight 3,4,2,3,3,4 20...
Hi, these are from a charity quiz. Answers are titles of books or short stories. I'm really stuck with these last ones. Thanks for any help. 73 Left with fan,Helen told all (anag) 3,6,2,8,4 69...
Help would be much appreciated
1d sense approval amongst the crew(8) e---i-h-
8a one leaves editor struggling with pressure put on tabloid(3,3) ---t-p
Many thanks...