20d supposed place over which wild animals would head north(7)r???t?? 21a pulls apart disorderly pupils crossing street, heading back (6.2) ?p?i?s?? 12a each boy should be in a particular colour,it`s...
2d shoot Achilles, say,right inside (7) t?n?e?r
68a the legend of the pig?(7) t???t?r
31a force 10 gale--excellent! (7) e?e??n?
52d take brown pigment to eco-friendly author? (7) u?b?r??...
7d secured hat---being eccentric (2,3,3,) i?t?e?a? 8d cocktail salesmen hang around outside hotel fot (8) s?r?t?e? 20a assist with a back (4) a?e? (thought it might be "abet" but cannot see...