What plans have you got for today then? Im spending my day puppy proofing my sisters house for the arrival of the little one tommorow but i thought i'd spend some time on here first with you lot! :-)...
I hope she doesn't mind my repeating this, the thread was at 79 so I put I hate odd numbers, then Peri said,"Obviously not a Catholic Bobbi, I was brought up on that" Very interesting, so is...
It is Pancake Day! (Or "Shrove Tuesday") What will you be having on your pancakes tonight? Please tick all that apply. If you have any better ideas, post them below!
Shrove Tuesday was a day of celebration with much food and drink because beginning on Ash Wednesday people would fast for forty days as sign of repentance for their sins. Today is the day you have to...
The judge decreed that this girl had "underlying problems" (don't we all) but we don't go out and blame some poor innocent bloke for it! She'd read somewhere she could get £7,500 for...