What have yours been? I am currently so wrapped up in the whole Twilight Saga and just love it, my little bit of escapism :) I had the same with Harry Potter, had to get all the books as they came out...
Could we please have a DAILY breakfast thread, as I have found this most interesting. //a cup of PG Tips and now a cup of Nescafe Original// //Coffee and cigarettes...// //Toast with honey, boiled...
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone on this site and behind the screens. I know I grumble,and ask too many inane questions,but someone always helps when help is needed. So thank you. I just...
i can not believe how hot it is today, Ive been up since 4am as i could not sleep, got to go and tidy the kids bedrooms and not looking forward to that,,,, any offers.x
Okay... my first trip to Waitrose in I don't know how long ! How fab to be able to buy all the things I've missed - though I doubt I'll manage to find any paella kits (sob!). So, whilst I take Alfie...
Can I just say......thanks to my ole AB buddies.......we go together like a .........oh can't be arsed lol.....Night folks.......catch yer later xxxxxxx