This morning we found a body of a very large dragon fly, completely undamaged, wings outstretched and beautiful. We would like to keep it to show our Granddaughter in 2 or 3 weeks time, can anyone...
Last Christmas I saved address labels for my Christmas cards in "My Documents" I just tried to open it to alter some addresses and it appears to have a key symbol on it and it is in Microsoft Accress...
We recently lost ourSally, a rough coated Jack Russell. She was 16 and we had to make that awful decision to take her to the vets to be put to sleep, she had had a mild stroke and was really not at...
I had a total hip replacement 7 weeks ago and all was going well until a week ago and now my whole side has become sore and tender to touch, there is no sign of infection, has anyone got any ideas as...
I am growing pumpkins for my Granddaughter and the leaves on one plant have a greyish dusty looking deposit on them. I have tried spraying with soapy water but as soon as they dry it returns. Will it...
I have no signal on my Nokia 3410. It is fully charged and my signal is normally very strong from my home. I have tried in different places but still no signal. Do I need a new phone or is there a...
I am trying to find out which part of London Vear Street was in. My Grandfather was born in Vear Street in 1881 but I cannot seem to find it now. Can anyone help please.
Can anyone tell me the easiest way to travel from Guildford, Surrey or Horsham, W Sussex to Stansted Airport using public transport on a Friday morning!
Thanx for all your help, here are a few more clues:- Bronco A.M.Crystal, Yellow home world news, Legion Head quarters, Yankee paradise home, Blue clowns show, opera ballet for Nuns, She was not...
Can anyone help please, clues:- 2 swords for a dame, Ministry for Bingo, A party for Bert, O A P Bill, Slip in a fast one, Stone cold, Fat Boy. Cheers.
When you download images from an XD card on to the computer why do they appear in a different order to what they were taken. Having re arranged then into the correct order how do I transfer them on to...
I have a memory stick and I am wondering if I can plug it directly into my Fuji finepix F700 to transfer images from the card to the memory stick, and then wipe the card so that I can re use it for...
I have got a large rather sick looking camelia. The leaves are yellowing. Some have brown spots on the backs. The leaves are dropping. It did flower but lost quite a few buds. It has been repotted...
I keep getting calls from an 0800 number on my mobile. I answered the first one which tried to tell me I had won something but since then I do not take the calls. It is just annoying, does anyone else...
We have many cowslips in our garden and have found a strange one rather like a 3 headed primrose (but much deeper yellow). It is growing in amongst the cowslips. Does anyone know what it is?