1. two fruits for salad? 6 & 6 2.one thousand play with mixed up games machine? 4 3.Twist one pretty starter? 6 4. one hundred chase deer around the bend? 10 5.Rhyming mother gets right into...
Can anyone help me with 66 down. I am feeling so ill with a bad cough and cold that it has affected my concentration and so-called intelligence. The clue is method of assessing intelligence, two words...
Hope everyone had a nice Xmas!
Can't come in to play today - eyes & nose streaming, back put out, going back to bed...
...Hopefully feel better tomorrow, so until then, mes amis!...
May I take this opportunity to send my very best wishes to all of my friends on AB - especially those on Q & P! I hope that today passes happily for you all, that Santa was kind & that you...
...has it been for you good folk?col,slippy but otherwise fine till 3pm,when my Dad passed out & was sick,called the emergency service(he's had this afore,+ astoma) my son then,whilest taking...
Is there anyone you wish to say a special "thank you" to this Christmas? I wish to thank...: My Nan.... for all your cakes and for putting up with us all. I love you so much ! xx My friend...
1. Stuff The Bird or Stuffing Balls?
2. Sprouts, Sprouts and Chestnuts or No Sprouts?
3. Homemade Gravy or Bisto?
4. Christmas Pudding or Other Dessert?
5. Wine, Shandy/Beer or Other?...
As I said months ago, I won Lancelot, my son got a new job, I got a new job (at 58) and now another son is home fron Oz and brother is on leave from Saudi. 'What a swell party it is' Very bestsincere...
12 down lively music c-p---c-- 41 across rid of burden o-f---d 45 across impose on -n-o-n 85 across without impendance -n---d-r-d 80 across fortunate favoured b---s-d 82 across central secret i---r 96...