Last clue again, we can't get: 2d. Greek priestess's husband, with a lot of love for the Greeks(4) (Acrosses are normal. Answers to down clues must be modified before entry in a consistent manner... ...
We are stuck on our last clue (again!) 30a: What glasses help myopics do is unbeatable (8) It contains L E E S ???? but we don't know the order, because the crossword is all about... ...
Can you help us to parse this one please?
28a Figure at head of board only half normal in one's view (6)
we have t?e?t? so it must be twenty, but why??...
I think we have all answers, but can't parse one. Genius - one letter in the clue is to be ignored (and here it must be a 'T') Taxing backers of problem states is more sophisticated (6) Suaver seems...
We think we have finished this puzzle, but can't parse one answer. The wordplay has one superfluous letter, and we would dearly like it to be an 'i': 15d Upset archbishop is associated with this...
Last one, I think, we just can't get. Must be thematic so no definition but person's name, or an object asociated with a county:
20a Briefly put down detective falling short in both cases (4) ?o?y...
Stuck on the last one:
20d A thing about stockings (5)
Because of the strangeness of the puzzle, all I can say is that the answer should contain c,h & s but not necessarily in that order...
We have a problem parsing 7d: Soldier seen climbing over tense leeches (9) p?r?s?t?s Probably parasites (leeches) A chemical element has to be changed from the answer given by the wordplay to give the...
Struggling on last 2 clues. 2d is a straight clue: What helps bowlers hit their mark? (4) ?i?e 24a is cryptic. clue gives solution with no definition, from which a 'compass point' can be removed to...