today, so thought I'd top it up a bit. Mrs B just 'phoned to say she's arrived safely in Norwich for a day or three, so Tash' and I are taking the Dog down the Country Park then we have a table booked...
Mum And Daughters Stabbed In Holiday Village 37 year old Moroccan man who was upset at the way the women and girls were...
... just staggered in from the third bout with the Physio, sad to report they won again, rematch booked for Friday. Usual Taxi/Train/Bus to get home. Gonna sink a couple of cold ones now and enjoy the...
God I am sick to death of that advert Galaxy and Audrey Hepburn singing Moon River - no harm to her but she couldn't sing - that's why Marni Nixon's voice was used in My Fair Lady. Here in NI - it is...
Because my bill is paperless I never peruse it. However just after looking there now and can't believe that ringing 118118 which THEY made longer cost me £12 - unbelievable....
What do we think May's tactics are here?
Dear Sqad Years ago you sent a lovely post when I had decided to leave AB, do you remember? I still keep a copy of it. I am sure I am not alone in pleading you to rethink your departure. I have put...
Any vegetarians on here? Like to tell me your favourite dishes? Looking for new inspo. Would buy a book but I'm travelling atm so wouldn't be practical....
Corbyn destabilised. Tezza May as PM Gove gone. Johnson roasted Farage gone. Hypocrite Crabb destroyed by 'sexting'. As someone who was 'soft Leave' I literally couldn't be happier right now. All...
My sister had an appointment at the local hospital and all the parking spaces were full so she looked for off site parking and was willing to walk, on a side road there was a grass verge so she parked...
Alkaline button batteries cost a fair fortune when bought singly or in pairs - up to £5 for two AG13 for example. But in the past I have purchased a sheet of up to 36 such batteries, assorted sizes,...