Can someone help please as I do not know much about charities. I am on the committee of a charity and we have a considerable amount of money in ou bank account. This money came from the sale of a...
Please can you help me finish - closing dates 30 April Rhodes Minnis Tree Quiz (No number of lettersgiven) 49 Unwell again 50 And Cream? It's all in the game Answers relate to sports games hobbies and...
20a Overcome with amazement or horror (6) A?H??? 25a Piece of lamb, veal, pork or nut (6) C?T???(Thought cutlet, but where does the "nut" clue come in to that?) 14d Made money, did well (9)...
please could anyone help, i need help with clockwise, clues are 1)fizzy water 4 letters 2) podium 2 letters 3) eyot 4 letters 4) buliding brick manufacturer 4 letters 5) target 4 letters 6) too 4...
Finished apart from top left hand corner.For 1a)I have heirloom and 1d) heckle. I need help with 2d)Salesman the Spanish refuse to accept.(5) i???l.(is it ideal) 3d) Traffic warning heading north and...
Your help would be much apprciated. 15a: Like 13, in which fish are meant to swim (9,4) ????HME??/???A (answer to 13 was River Basin) 19a: Tiny cushion protects damaged wing in tree (7,6)...
Daily Mail Friday 13th April; 5 Across 'Room to move deposit brings in tiny return'
_ _ E _ M _
_ _ T _ N _ L...
(15d) Biblical Hebrew phrase found in Genesis usually translated "formless and empty" and describing the condition of the earth before God said "Let there be Light" (4,4) T _ H _ B...
22A Large but least industrial country Equatorial Africa ??A? 22D In anatomy, zoology, botany, a point or elevationas on the crown of a tooth- in astrology the point of a crescent ??S? Thank you all....
Blocked by these last ones - please help: 12 across Touch revolutionary instrument (4 letters) ---A 16 across Attack spies at junction (6 letters) -O---T 6 down Lies spread-eagled beside river -...