8d Assistant army officer (8) - - - U - - - T 13d Underhand (3,4) L - - / D - - - 24 & 84a (4,3,4) - R - - / THE / - I - - 23a Swagger or dashing manner (7) - A - - - H - 57d Styptic lotion (10) A - T...
Does anyone have a tip for tuning out of office chatter - I work in a large office where we all sit fairly close together and when people sit chatting it can be very hard to concentrate!
Well my periods late, which is odd because i usually have a 28 day cycle. So first thing this morning i took a first response pregnancy test, and i got a positive reading. i had a really dark control...
My nephew's wife recently delivered beautiful baby boy and the midwife was not at the end of the bed to catch the baby so it dropped on the floor... One of the other doctors in the room called out...
The true-life events in which recent film led to the scenes reproduced on the Dead Kennedys' first album cover? Who is the odd one out:Sinead O'Connor,Al Green,Jon McClure and Run from Run DMC? Thanks...
is it possible to do yourself harm from eating too much fruit and veg? for breakfast i had fruit salad and smoothie. lunch i had jacket potatoe with homemade ratatoullie and salad. dinner i had fish...
6a Chives divided with charm in default of a new system (10) CAPI--TALISM[AN] Why CAPI? CAPI-(ARY)? APIARY? How are SCALES (40a) 'united with' WEST (11a)?
hi stuck on last 2 can anyone help please 10 across relative width and height of a cinema image (6,5) 13 across august 1 in the religious calendar (6) thanks reet
help please 1a four ways to dance ,demonstrated in cinema presentation 8 ends in l 12a road,say,to washingtonon the fourth of july 10 ??P??????? 14a partisan with head wound given cost of...
My husband's printer in work is not printing he has checked the ink and the conection and they are ok he says it goes through the motion but no print on the paper any ideas I can not look at it as it...
This is an update for anyone that read or answered my post on the 31st. Well my period didn't arrive, so I did the test a few days later and it was positive!! I'm still in shock, as my husband and I...