21d. 16th Century sword Dance (8) _A_A_H_N (I think this one has already been answered on this site but I get an error on trying to open the relevant page) 28d. Any of the eared seals, including the...
Sorry for posting so soon after but my mum wont acknowledge that she has suffered a TIA. As there are no lasting effects and confusion in diagnosis she feels that it must be something else. Would her...
Good Saturday evening from Ottawa. Tried to get the puzzle on the FT site but wasn't there. Anyway, need help with 21D: a 16th century sword dance:_A_A_H_N Merci
Ok, I know I'm stupid but today my phone fell into bowl of water by accident now (obviously) it aint working at all. I retrieved it as quickly as possible once realised, but submerged for at least 10...
My mum has had two mini strokes or TIAs in the last 6 month. She is a smoker and has a few drinks at the weekend. She is also in a high pressure job and suffers stress and high blood pressure. She is...
I'm over 32 weeks pregnant now. Me and the babys father unfortunately split up when i was about 21 weeks pregnant. We are not married and not even together now. We still speak and he is going to be...
what is the tip of a cone ot triangle called 4 letters ap?? (possible apex) what is proclaimed by authority? 5 letters ??i?t marsupial closely related to the bandicoot many thanks. 5 letters: ??l?y