1 down. 4letters.
Clue. Boat
Cryptic. Boat or is it Boot.
2down. 6letters.
Clue. Spaghetti sauce
Cryptic. It's red and often eaten raw, mum, in toto
9down. 10letters(5,5) Clue. Inundated Cryptic. Either leave too dry or inundated -n-e-w---r 33across. 9letters. Clue. Killer Cryptic.a more peculiar figure in custody:a killer ---a-g--- 37down....
9down.7letters Clue. Language. Cryptic. Feature see has been translated from foreign language -h-n--- 23across.9letters (3,6) Clue. Impressed. Cryptic. Impressed as we manoeuvered the heavy vehicle....
14across.7letters. Clue. Mean. Cryptic. Mean a grave was vandalised at one end a-e---- 9down. 10letters(6,4) Clue.taken around Cryptic. Watching some cricket when getting guided tour. ---i-g-v-r...
26down. 7letters Clue. Hold Cryptic. Hold against the anti movement -o----- 38across. 5letters Clue. Centre Cryptic. Listen to half of it: the central part --a-- 37down.7letters. Clue. Lightly...
62down.5letters Clue. Poet. Cryptic. Were his poems the work of another man. b-s-n. 72down. 9letters (4,2,3). Clue. Big trouble. Cryptic. Serious consequences with infernal bill still unattached....
65across. 7letters Clue.seat Cryptic. Name the fellow on the seat. -t----- 61across. 5letters Clue. Contract Cryptic. Almost asleep making out the contract ----e 53across.7letters Clue. Superficial...