Hello, I must buy a Xmas Santa for a colleague. All I know about him is that he likes beer... Any ideas? Maximum budget £5 (it's not a permanent job so I don't want to spend more than that)....
Hello, I changed jobs several months ago and at my new place they are using the PAYE tax code to deduct my NINO & tax. Apparently, it is because my former employer refused to give me a P45. I am...
Hello, I've been in my current job for nearly 3 years. It's been very difficult from day 1: many of my job duties are very menial and were not mentioned in the job description or at the interview (and...
Hello, I live in a flat and have been growing my own parsley, rocket salad and rocket salad, in pots on my window sill. I may have to relocate abroad in the coming year and if this happens, I will be...
Hello, For the past 2 years, I've been making do with mobile broadband (40 Kbs), or wifi at the library at the weekend (50 Mbs). I am now looking for a new flat, and I want home broadband. My...
Hello, I am badly bullied at work. It's been going on for 3 years (since day 1), but I can't afford to leave without having a job to go to and the jobmarket isn't exactly dynamic in my sector. I may...
Hello, I have been renting a flat for over a year. The building previously consisted of offices, which had been/still are to be converted into small flats. There were numerous problems from day 1:...
Hello, Over the past week I have received two text messages (19/02/2010 & 24/02/2010) sent by 'Clanchatton' on behalf of 'Commercial Credit Services' quoting a reference number & asking me to...
Hello, I'm quite unhappy with the outlook for the next couple of years in the UK (rise in income tax; rise in university fees) and I'm thinking of relocating in another European country. I'm both very...
Hello, I am thinking of changing my signature as the one I've been using for above 20 years is fairly easy to forge. Where do I get the new signature recorded 'officially' for ID, NINO, Inland Revenue...
Hello, I am moving into a new flat. The building houses a bank on the ground floor, and the next four floors were previously offices, and have been reconverted into bedsits and 1-bedroom flats. My...
Hello, I own shares of my company. They are listed on the Australian stock exchange, and are currently held in an employee shareplan. If I leave my company, and want to keep the shares, are they...
Hello, I am worried about identity theft (I've had mail stolen at my old address) and recently applied for credit reports from Equifax, Experian, National Hunter and Call credit (from my new address)....
Hello, 1 week ago, I moved in a studio flat (electricity only) in a rather run-down building (dating back from the 30's, owned by 1 landlord, and entirely let out). Yesterday I received a gas bill...
Hello, I dropped in at Barclays today to apply for a personal reserve. It would just be a 'safety net', to avoid being charged hefty fees if I get overdrawn. This happened to me once back in February,...