I'm stuck on the last couple of these and hoped that one of you clever people out there might be able to help me. 33. This usually hears expressions of grief (one word) 68. Avoid millions as you drive...
Please can some one help me with the follow. I don't know how many letters are in each answer, and unless stated they are just one word answers. Thank you 28 Aspire to find this one 31 A colourful...
Please can someone help me with the following: The following two are the name of a British town or city: 1 useful device to stop your rug being stolen (no of letters not given) 2 You can’t wander by...
Can anyone help me with the following please. All answers are birds and are one word unless otherwise stated. Thank you. 4 You need to be quick for this one! 22 She might be called Mavis 46 Revolving,...
Hi, Can anyone help me convert the following into a set of useable coordinates please. The N 4303 will almost certainly be 51 and the E 80 will be 000 N 4303° 6114.54022' E 80° 31121.71636'. Thank...
Hi, I've discovered a couple more that I need help with. all answers contain the word cat. Thanks.
45 On the look out (4,4)
50 The puss that 'as the prize (11)...
Hi, Please can someone help me with the following. All answers contain the word cat. Thanks. 5 Feline Family (6) 10 A quick scrub (7) 13 This'll produce a reaction (8) 19 Orlando (3,9,3) 20 There's no...
Can anyone help me with the following cipher or code. The answer will be a set of coordinates. Ijust don't know how to do it. Thanks bflpr nunpy pwfke dleeo nflpy bubeg fubpz elfoe vebnf qlaub qpeoe...
Can anyone help me with the following two please:
29 valuable metal sounds to form security devices (one word I think)
95 Exclaim and affirm that a male's around (4 words)
Thank you...
Can anyone help with the following: The answers are all games - mainly traditional 10. Bet on the bacon 11. Game Found in rich Essex Houses 13 Deal supports this card game 21 Owned exclusively 25 It's...
Can anyone help with the following. Its a one word answer and the theme of the quiz is "Much to be Thankful For". I don't know how many letters in the answer. 78. Presenting this, I made the news...
Can anyone help with the following. Its a one word answer and the theme of the quiz is "Much to be Thankful For". I don't know how many letters in the answer. 78. Presenting this, I made the news...
Can anyone help with the following. I don't know how many letter or words in the answer:
Presenting this, I made the news available regularly
Thank you...
Can anyone help me with the following please: 2 Is King keen on this sporting descent? 22 Are they vigilant seashore sentries? - I don't think this is lighthouses as I have that answer elsewhere 26...