This comedy actor once played a King in a production with a Carry On star. You would also have seen him in a comedy film with many other famous comedy names whose performances could have been...
No idea with this as usual. Thanks in advance for any help. This man who was born in India regularly played the villain in the 1990s. If you want to see him in person now you will probably have to...
All help appreciated thanks in advance. Can anyone help with this puzzle.
Crack this code and name the famous person: 58566577
Tom Jones
Bob Dylan
Pam Ayres
Tim Curry
Amy Adams... The lady pictured above attended which University ? Manchester Liverpool John Moores Lancaster Durham Leeds The photo seems to be...
This medical man is best known for his prowess in playing a particular sport although he also participated in other sports at a high level. His popularity meant that he became the face of a condiment...
This statue of a transport pioneer (it has a connection with four American Presidents) is located in which US state ?...
This memorial commemorates a 19th century event that resulted in a number of deaths. In which city is it located ?...