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1a Assembly point in Gaul is setting for Unsworth's take on Homer (5) A?L?? 3d Fuller exposition of his prerogative is available, we're told (9) ??V?R?I?A first letter of 3d is last letter of 1a. gtfl...
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Playwright gives point there, with all round example (8) ?T?E?E?? Htfl any suggestions. Tks....
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Fishy move around Buckingham Palace by my leader (4) S?I? skip?skid? help, please
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Asia, doubtless recognisable in new atlas (7) C?Y?E?E any suggestions welcome. Yks.
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20a Mystics born to take on rare hazards (8, 2 words) NE?AG?R? Gtfl suggestions. Tks....
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Bit player written out during riotous scene at Smithfield (7,6) ?A?T?E? G???? Gtfl any ideas. Tks....
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19a Fallacy: shot randomly, without policeman's backing (4,3) stuck on this and am not certain of any cross-checking letters altho most likely is ??S? ??C Many tks
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If this is left, it's not right (4) ?I?E Expect that I'm missing something obvious, but cant twig this. Tks....
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Stuck on the nine-letter P word for a stationery case. The two I've found won't fit my grid, so there's either another word or I've got to redo the lot. Gtfl advice. Tks.
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?A? ??S?A No idea. Tks....
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the letters are ?E?F?R? R?X? (not the u in earlier posting)...
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43 a City in the state of rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that was part of Nova Iguacu before 1993 (7,4) I have ?E?F?U? R?X? and can't somehow get Google to fill in the blanks. Tks for any help....
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apols if this asked before 8d Got a certificate back before everything became unhealthy in the branch (10, two words) T?M??O?A?L Looks like tomato ball - I get the MOT back for certificate, but not...
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Provenance of nineteenth-century nightingale (6) S?A?E? -- I'm flummoxed, gtfl any help. Tks.
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Resort soldiers avoid (5) ??ANE Have got the theme and unclued lights, but can't see this one. Gtfl advice. tks.
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Further earliers on this puzzle where some clues are tied together by "get the picture" (Jenner + Vive = Genevieve), I can't twig 21a Sleep in street - one beginning to drop off (5) W?Y?E tied with 1d...
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Dear EVites - thank you for your most enjoyable Sunday thread about this excellent puzzle. Despite that, having finished the grid for The Rule, I haven't had a lightbulb moment and what is hidden...
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18d Stevenson's first man on barrage (8) A?A??E?R -- guess its ADAm something, but can't figure/find what. Tks.
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26a Dutch manufacturer to drop off first of packages (4) ?IP? Gtfl any ideas. Tks.
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Having trouble with last one of preamble 18 in a 15 BOA? and ?EN (assuming its a coin (fen/sen/yen) but what is it divided into?? Tks v much

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