Morning... just discovered that the sink in the bathroom has a huge crack in it.. so will need replacing.. what I'd like to know.. is.. can we re-use the taps..on a new sink.. or would just be better...
6d Small,rugged and unkempt (7) s?r?l??
18a Crawl slowly with inverse motion at first (4) s?i?
25a Vegetable that's not fresh for chum (3,4) o ??????
20d A flower sprang up (5) a????...
or maybe airlines should have larger 'premium' seats ?
12a one in car follows bible studies with church revival(11)??n???s?n?e 14d 11 sample mcgonagall for instance(9)??e?a?t?? 14a python tangled with eel in type of bag(9) ??????e?e 18d competitor dashed...
The truth about those lotions that promise to grow hair (4,5) I think it's ??L?, F?C?S something FACTS One would have little hesitation in describing it as ferocious. (5) ??T?R
Try to sell French newspaper for everyone. (4,2,5).
Well, Le Monde is a French newspaper and 'tous le monde' means everyone. But can there really be a French answer to an English crossword clue?...
Mirror this Morning, Elderly lady attacked by a Seagull because the Gull's dead chick was in her garden.Yes I know these birds are Protected but there's a limit.
Help needed please. 19a.US air force oddly carries book about type of rock.13l.c-r-o--fe-o--. 7d.Trunk for manager touring Channel Islands.9l. p-o-o-c--. 28a.Sell one after turning back hems.6l....